Frequently Asked Questions

Where Can I Order “The PACKAGE: What could it be?”

If our online store is sold out, you can purchase from other online retailers. Here are a couple:



I made a preorder. When will my order ship?

All preorders will ship approximately 2-3 weeks after the preorder window closes. You should receive your order in time for the holidays! If you have any concerns or feel your order has taken longer than expected to ship, please CONTACT US or send an email to Unfortunately, there may be delays with USPS that we cannot control.

I’m outside of the united states. Can i still preorder?

Yes! Please visit us on Amazon to place your preorder for the hardcover!
Unfortunately, our website is not able to accommodate shipping orders placed from outside of the United States. We are very sorry and are working hard to accommodate international orders in the future.

Can I leave a review somewhere?

Yes! Please leave reviews on our website or on Amazon. Leaving reviews on Amazon will help others discover this book. Thank you!

I submitted my ETH Wallet. When will I receive the NFT?

We’re so excited to distribute the NFT of The PACKAGE! We will lock the NFT to your submitted wallet and you will be able to claim at your leisure for free plus gas. We will email you and post on Twitter when the claim is live!

The NFT is the cover image of the book and promises no additional value or utility. It is simply a record of the launch of this book and a cool memento showing that you were one of the first to own the book!

We will never ask for your seed phrase or ANYTHING other than your wallet address. Please contact us directly if you have concerns:


Twitter: @TwinPawsSeries

I forgot to submit my ETH wallet when preordering the Hardcopy.

No worries! Please send us an email at or CONTACT US and let us know your order # and ETH wallet.

What are Cool Cats, NFTs, ETH Wallets?

Cool Cats are NFT’s created by CoolCatsNFT that when owned, come with certain IP rights. We won’t get into the nitty gritty, but we own the digital image and IP rights to the Cool Cats and other NFT’s used in this book. Pretty cool!

NFT’s are digital images that represent ownership and can be traced and tracked online through the blockchain.

ETH wallets are vehicles to store the NFT’s that you own. An ETH wallet is specific to ETH NFT’s.

Do you need to know what any of this is in order to enjoy The PACKAGE? Nope!

If you’d like to learn more about the Cool Cats NFT project, please visit

I need help with something else or still have a question.

No worries! Just CONTACT US or send us an email. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!