About us

The Package is our first fully illustrated children's book and what we hope is the first book in a series called Twin Paws Adventures. It was written by Malia Bryant and Mary Lucus with the help of Lily and Lucus Hopson and Mikell Hopson. The PACKAGE is inspired by a weekend they all spent together waiting for a surprise package to arrive. When they finished writing it, they had the best time reading it out loud! They would yell "THE PACKAGE!" everytime it came up in the book. We didn't start illustrating it until March of 2022 when we decided that our access to the Cool Cats IP would be the perfect characters to use. We hope you enjoy the story!

About Cool Cats Group LLC

We utilize the IP rights afforded to us by owning the NFT or digital image of the character illustrations we use in our books and products. However, we are not affiliated with the Cool Cats Group LLC.

From the Cool Cats website:
Built upon a foundation of inclusivity, our vision at Cool Cats is to become the leading entertainment brand that celebrates cool through community-centered storytelling and innovation.”

Click here to learn more about the Cool Cats brand.

Pictured - Lily and Lucus

  • Mary Lucus


  • Malia Bryant


  • Mikell Hopson


    Connect with Mikell on Twitter: @lidoff_mlucus