a children’s book

Available now

The Package is a tale of weekend adventure full of imagination and fun! Join the Twins as they eagerly await the arrival of a surprise package!

Meet the Characters

Lucus - CC#304

Lucus - CoolCat #304

Lily - CoolCat #1039

Fred - CoolPet #13650

Take a look inside

Reviews for The Package

  • "Love the book! Was a fun read with my little one over the weekend."


  • "Such a cute story, genuinely loved reading it."


  • "My son loves seeing the cool cat come to life through your storyline."


  • "I liked how the kids demonstrated being able to patiently wait and keep themselves preoccupied with other activities while waiting for the package. Also that they show a lot of imagination and creativity."


  • "I think it is super fun & relatable! Excellent work!"


  • “It was so much fun!! I really like how the adults in the book are great and go along with the excitement.”

    Rionna Morgan